Two Japanese bosses, one of the owners running a few farms in Japan together with Chef 三原光史 opened this All You Can Eat Japanese Vegetables themed restaurant, whipping up both Japanese and Western dishes. The set-up here is nothing short of amazing ~ there’s a Zen Garden at the back, a shopping counter for those keen to cook these lovely sweet veggies by yourself at home, and there’s even a dedicated elevator to access the restaurant. My live wasabi plant only costed $10 HKD, what a bargain!
Japanese Vegetables Plants in soil
Shopping counter
Salad Counter, showcasing Japanese farmed vegetables
sourced from different prefectures
Grant Burge Bene Mark Shiraz (Australia)
Quite hot and big in alcohol ~ 6.5/10
野菜サラダ -
Japanese imported Vegetables Salad with sauces and plum salt ~ 9/10
Sweet Purple Potato, Komatsuna, Baby Corn, Red Onion, Button Mushroom,
White Onion, Spinach, Broccoli, Cabbage, etc..
根野菜チップス 香酢ソース -
Fried root vegetables like Lotus Root, Sweet Potato, Burdock Root
白身魚の薄造り 香草マスタードソース -
Thin Sliced White fish with Herbed Mustard Sauce
炙りサーモンとアスパラガス 温泉卵のビネグレット -
Seared Salmon with Asparagus Salad, with Onsen Tamago & Shiso sauce
小海老と有機野菜の生春巻き -
Prawn and Organic veggies raw spring roll
丸ごとトマトとカニ身の焼きグラタン -
Crab meat and Anchovies stuffed in Roasted Tomato
カニ身と枝豆のクリームコロッケ -
Crab meat and green soybean Croquette with Tartare sauce
牛肉のたたきと緑黄色野菜のサラダ仕立て -
Lightly roasted beef with salad and Balsamic sauce
法連草のオムレツ フレッシュトマトソース -
Spinach omelette with fresh tomato sauce
フライオニオンのグラタンスープ -
Fried onion soup with gratinated cheese
せいろ蒸し (海鮮と野菜) -
Basket steamed vegetables and seafood
…with various sauces and plum salt
フルーツトマトと生うにの焼きリゾット -
Roasted Sea urchin and fruit tomato risotto
野菜のかき揚げ -
Fried vegetables cake
黒豚とマスタードソース -
Kurobuta pork with yellow mustard and black sugar vinegared sauce
ベーコンとチンゲン菜の温泉卵カルボナーラ -
Bacon and Rapa veggies with onsen egg Carbonara spaghetti
特製牛タンシチュー -
Red wine stewed Beef Tongue
野菜の天婦羅 (五種) -
Five types of veggies tempura
小海老とアボガドの春巻き -
Prawn and avocado spring roll
季節野菜のチーズフォンデュー -
Cheese fondue with seasonal veggies and bread
Fondue Pot
洋梨のスフレフロマージュ -
Pear and soft cheese cake
かぼちゃの焼きプリン 大豆入りカラメルソース -
Baked Pumpkin pudding, with soybean caramel sauce
生わさび (群馬産) -
Raw Wasabi, not from Shizuoka, but from Gunma prefecture
Zen garden at back, good for drinks
Price: $258 Per Person + 10%
Score: ★★★★☆☆
Opening Hours:
Mon – Sun: 11:30am ~ 23:00
Address: 尖沙咀33號金馬倫道 The Cameron 二樓
(2F, The Cameron, 33 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon)
Phone: 2721 1800
Oh wow...I didn't know such a place existed. Looks like I need to pay a visit...everything looks so fresh!
ReplyDeleteAfter living in HK during the 80s and only periodically visiting, I'm amazed at how there's a movement for organic, farm to table, and healthier living/food trends in HK. This place is really cool.
ReplyDeleteYes Rachelle, some of the veggies are really fresh and sweet. I think some of the food preparations here is ok, not overly impressive but I like the general Veggies theme. :)
ReplyDeleteBeef No Guy, you're so right. There's been a couple of these organic or healthier food shops popping up ~ not sure if all of them will last, but seems like LIFE Cafe has been there for a while? not sure.. :)
i've visited this site couple times before and I do love the idea and food overthere. This is really a good restaurant worth to go!
ReplyDeleteYes this is definitely worth a go indeed! The food execution might not be the top of the world, but the ingredients and heart put into the food is worth every penny, considering how we often associate vegetables or all-you-can-eat dishes as being of sub-par standards...
ReplyDeleteIn a sense this really performed above expectations...
I am going to try soon!