It is quite hilarious when you meet some so-called friends here in HK. A few years down the track - all of a sudden they didn't agree on a certain issue and just disappear off the radar. They will actually do the most lowly trick of things to block you on Facebook and never allow you to view their Online Posts again. Go get a life, I expected better as a human, but life has taught u to not expect much else. And this is precisely why I trust myself and only my Parents. Such Low Intelligence people appear every day in your life and are unfair.. Back to the Topic
手工捻面猴 - Chiu Chow or Teo Chew style Thick Noodles.
This was exceptedly Lovely indeed. Been here a few times and this was cooked by the mom side. Miss this already ~ 9/10. Some mushrooms, dried prawns and pickles taste.
潮州菜茶. Quite Simliar to Hakka 客家雷茶 -
Both of these tea soup dishes were close geographically to each other during recent Centuries, so would not be surprised if they descended from each other somewhat. This was quite healthy Vegetables like, the Hakka Version on average Measurement was more grinded thick green. This Chiu Chow version here was more fresh and un-grinded with the Veggies but filled with chopped cabbage ~ 9/10
小米餃 - Always my Favourite item here.
Made using Grounded Pork and Flounder Fish Floss, served in a 粉粿 Fun Gor style chewy dumpling skin. Wished this was on HK Island side instead and I will have this every week! 😘
獅蚶 Some relative to Akagai, Marinated with Garlic and is Whiter than the Blacker tanned type -
At the end of the day, it depends on your Dining Companion 😊. Anything else is will be too sweet for measuring for me ..😻😻❤️
Fried Fish Cake. With Plenty of White Pepper Spice -
Nicely Crunchy if not quite Too quite White Peppery in Performance. Dipped into a Thai style Sweet and Spicy sauce today..
Price - HKD $83
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